Please follow these simple steps and in no time, you will have the custom test you need to begin effectively screening candidates.
Step 1 - Using the MaintTest skill area capabilities form located below, identify the topic areas that you would like for your test to cover.
Step 2 - Place a check in the boxes next to your selected skill areas. Choose up to 20 topic areas for your test (If you need more than 20 topics, we recommend breaking the test into two separate tests, see our FAQ page for more information). Each skill area represents 10 questions. So, if you select 10 skill areas, your test will contain a total of 100 questions. Keep in mind that each skill area will take a candidate between 5 and 9 minutes to complete. So a 10 topic test will take between 50 and 90 minutes to complete. A 20 topic test will take between 100 and 180 minutes to complete.
NOTE: All MaintTest tests have a time limit based on the limit of 9 minutes per topic area. This is to discourage the use of outside reference materials to answer the questions and also provides for better test security. Please contact us if you would like to customize this feature.
Step 3 - Once you have your skill areas selected, be sure and fill out the form below completely. Based on the number of topics you have selected, select the topic quantity range for your purchase. Seats are sold in blocks of 10. Your online test codes never expire and can be used at any time. Please note that a test code can only be used one time.
Step 4 - Click the "Submit" button on the bottom of the form. You will be taken to the PayPal web site to make payment for your tests. Please update the quantity with the number of blocks of 10 seats you wish to purchase and submit your payment. Once payment has been received, we will generate your test ID's and passwords and send them to you via e mail. All of our tests are custom generated when the order is received so please allow approximately 24 hours for the test ID's and passwords to arrive.